
Adding hope to mitigate defensive responses: the effect of guilt+hope appeals in road safety campaigns

URL: http://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JSOCM-03-2023-0053/full/html

Guilt appeals are increasingly being used in road safety campaigns, despite recent research that has raised doubts about their effectiveness and the potential for triggering defensive responses. Building on the extended parallel process model, this study aims to add to this growing body of research by evaluating whether combining a hope message with guilt appeals can solve this problem. 


The results showed that compared to guilt-only appeals, guilt+hope appeals directly reduced defensive responses (i.e. perceived manipulative intent and anger) across varying levels of language intensity. In addition, guilt+hope appeals mitigated the negative impacts of manipulative intent on intended emotions and intentions to not text while driving.

Topics: Safety, Road safety
Location: US
Resource Type: strategies and interventions
Publisher: Emerald
Date Last Updated: 2024-01-15 10:21:57

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