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Landmark Case Study Home Energy Labels in Oregon  Environment

Home Energy Labels in Oregon is one of the first and best evaluated implementations of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Home Energy ScoreTM. The Home Energy ScoreTM was developed to provide homeowners, buyers and renters with credible and directly comparable details about a home’s energy consumption. The ultimate goal was for homeowners to implement energy efficiency renovations. During the six months between July and December 2023, 464 participating households carried out home upgrades that saved 840,974 kWh per year, or 1,812 kWh per home per year. They undertook energy efficiency upgrades eleven times as often as non-participating households, and they claimed an upgrade incentive twelve times as often. An increase in consumer knowledge about energy efficiency, provided through assessor interaction and scorecard information, was a leading factor in the increase in upgrades.


Landmark Case Study Better Cotton  Environment

Better Cotton has changed farming techniques (behaviors) that in turn, among other social benefits, decreased the amount of water used per hectare when cultivating cotton (climate change adaptation). In addition, in 2021 it set a target of also reducing greenhouse gas emissions per ton of Better Cotton produced by 50% from a 2017 baseline (climate change mitigation). Its primary focus is on fostering voluntary action by the commercial sector, not regulations for the commercial sector, nor consumer communications. A similar approach could be used to increase the sustainability (or other desired traits) of many different commodities that are grown, caught or mined, and then used to manufacture items for sale. Designated in 2024.


Landmark Case Study Carbon Cure  Environment

To meet global greenhouse gas targets, we will need to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, not just slow down emissions. Carbon Cure was designed to promote a shift in specification and purchasing behaviors across the construction supply chain, to recapture a significant amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and help abate climate change. This case study focuses on how the company promoted the rapid adoption by concrete plants of a new type of concrete – one that in its manufacturing process, removes and permanently stores significant amounts of carbon from the atmosphere. By 2021 it had enabled the capture of 142,046,000 lb. of CO2 over nine years, an average of 15,782,889 lb. / year. Designated a Landmark case study in 2024.


Landmark Case Study Chicago’s Building Energy Rating System  Environment

Chicago was the first U.S. city to require building owners to prominently post a building’s energy performance rating, and to share that that rating with potential buyers and/or renters. While the rating system was being introduced, ComEd and Peoples Gas ran extensive complementary incentive and rebate programs that enabled building owners and managers to make energy improvements at little to no cost. From 2017 to 2020, this program saved 7,293.6 million Btu (2.1 million kwh) per year. Designated a Landmark case study in 2022 by our climate change peer review panel, and in 2024 by our building energy panel.


Landmark Case Study Portland’s Transportation Wallet  EnvironmentHealth

Portland’s Transportation Wallet is a demand management strategy that encourages people to drive less and try alternative travel modes, while reducing the use of single-occupant vehicles, the demand for on-street parking, and the burdens of transportation costs for people with low-incomes. Users see it as a package of valuable travel options at a deep discount, or at no cost when trading in a parking permit or meeting income criteria. The program reduced participants’ drive-alone rates to 10% in 2023, from 24% in 2021. It is funded by charging for choosing the ‘competition’ (i.e. making it more expensive to drive / park a car.) Designated a Landmark case study by our transportation panel in 2024.

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