

URL: http://www.stopitsolutions.com/solutions/anonymous-reporting-system

STOPit is an Anonymous Reporting System that teaches and empowers individuals to recognize and anonymously report safety, misconduct, and compliance concerns BEFORE they escalate into a crisis or other legal matter. For example, it enables students to document bullying using their mobile phones, and anonymously send the evidence to trusted adults. Schools get a dashboard for managing the reports.


When individuals observe a safety, misconduct, or compliance concern in-person, on- line or through other means, they can submit their incidents anonymously, using the STOPit app, website, or telephone hotline. The STOPit Incident Management Center enables receives, reviews, and, when needed, escalates any emergencies to designated organization contacts and/or law enforcement, via direct phone call, to ensure all emergencies receive immediate attention. Designated organization contacts receive instant alerts, via text, email, and phone call (escalated submissions only) to begin the process of assessing, managing, and resolving a life or non-life threating incident. Law enforcement and other resources are brought in as needed.

Topics: Safety, Bullying and violence prevention, Crime prevention, Occupational health & safety
Location: US
Resource Type: strategies and interventions
Publisher: Stop It
Date Last Updated: 2025-02-18 10:40:47

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