
Co-benefits of Designing Communities for Active Living: an exploration of literature

URL: http://www.ijbnpa.org/content/12/1/30

Explores a wide range of literature and conducts an initial summary of evidence on co-benefits of activity-friendly environments.


To reverse the global epidemic of physical inactivity that is responsible for more than 5 million deaths per year, many groups recommend creating "activity-friendly environments." Such environments may have other benefits, beyond facilitating physical activity, but these potential co-benefits have not been well described. The purpose of the "Co-benefits of Designing Communities for Active Living: An Exploration of Literature" paper is to explore a wide range of literature and conduct an initial summary of evidence on co-benefits of activity-friendly environments. Six potential outcomes/co-benefits were searched: physical health, mental health, social benefits, safety/injury prevention, environmental sustainability, and economics.

Specific environmental features with the strongest evidence of multiple co-benefits were park proximity, mixed land use, trees/greenery, accessibility and street connectivity, building design, and workplace physical activity policies/programs. The exploration revealed substantial evidence that designing community environments that make physical activity attractive and convenient is likely to produce additional important benefits.

Topics: Environment:, Sustainable transportation, Health Promotion, Active living, Heart health
Resource Type: training and toolkits
Publisher: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Date Last Updated: 2019-04-24 02:07:02

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