
School Violence and Bullying Global Status Report

URL: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002469/246970e.pdf

This report, prepared by UNESCO and the Institute of School Violence and Prevention in January 2017, provides an overview of available data on the nature, extent and impact of school violence and bullying and initiatives to address the problem.

  • Available evidence shows that effective responses, that take a comprehensive approach and include interventions to both prevent and address school violence and bullying, can reduce school violence and bullying.
  • Based on experience and good practice, comprehensive responses encompass: strong leadership; a safe and inclusive school environment; developing knowledge, attitudes and skills; effective partnerships; implementing mechanisms for reporting and providing appropriate support and services; and collecting and using evidence.
  • More specifically, such responses include: enactment and enforcement of national laws and policies and of school policies and codes of conduct; commitment to creating safe, inclusive and supportive learning environments for all students; training and support for teachers and other school staff in positive forms of discipline and provision and delivery of relevant curricula and learning materials; collaboration with a range of stakeholders and active participation of children and adolescents; access to safe, confidential and child-friendly reporting mechanisms and support services; and research, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Interventions that have focused on transforming the culture of schools, taking a strong stance against violence and supporting teachers to use alternative ways of disciplining children and managing the classroom have proven to be particularly effective.
Topics: Safety, Bullying and violence prevention
Resource Type: strategies and interventions
Publisher: UNESCO
Date Last Updated: 2021-07-18 13:53:48

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