Global Warming Segments
Since 2009, George Mason and Yale Universities have been tracking six American market segments related to global warming.
- The Alarmed are the most worried about global warming and the most likely to support and engage in pro-climate action.
- The Concerned are also worried about global warming, but they view it as a less serious threat and are less motivated to act.
- The Cautious are uncertain about global warming and are not very worried about it, so they are less motivated to take action.
- The Disengaged are disconnected from the issue and rarely hear about it.
- The Doubtful question whether global warming is happening or human-caused, and are among the least worried about it and motivated to act.
- The Dismissive reject the idea that global warming is happening and human-caused and do not believe it is a threat, so they are the most likely to oppose climate action.
Global Warming Segment Shifts
From 2013 to 2023, the Alarmed segment nearly doubled in size from 15% to 28%, while the Cautious segment decreased from 26% to 15%. The percentage of Americans who are either Alarmed or Concerned increased from 40% to 56%. |