To observe the effects of a multi-level (30%, 15% and 0%) randomized discount on fruits, vegetables and non-caloric beverages on changes in dietary intake, a team of researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai conducted a randomized, controlled trial that involved the recruitment of primary household shoppers from several New York City supermarkets. The trial comprised an 8-week baseline, a 32-week intervention, and a 16-week follow-up; 24-hour dietary recalls were conducted during the baseline period and before the intervention midpoint. In-person clinical measures (including body weight, percent body fat, blood pressure, fasting serum glucose, hemoglobin A1C, and serum blood lipids) were analyzed from week 8 (end of baseline) and 24 (midpoint). This report is from an interim analysis up to the intervention midpoint at Week 24, as the study was ongoing. |