Commercial businesses and brands have used Influencer marketing for decades to increase awareness, trust, and likability. In recent years, influencer marketing spending has grown enormously. Global market exceeded $13 billion in 2021.
Influencers are particularly well suited to digital channels such as social media. As the number of social media users continues to grow, this approach is an increasingly promising option. Recent research demonstrates that social media influencers are effective at increasing reach of and engagement with public health messages. Yet few resources outline the practical considerations for public health practitioners and describe how to get started.
This resource guide is for public health practitioners who want to apply marketing strategies to their influencer program. Specifically, it is an introductory resource for individuals launching an influencer program on social media. It is also for those at the early stages of implementation.
The guide has three sections: preparation, implementation, and measurement. It includes examples, case studies, and best practices. |