
Compendium of Canadian Survey Research on Consumer Attitudes and Behavioural Influences Affecting Sustainable Transportation Options

URL: http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/programs/environment-urban-menu-eng-2084.htm

The purpose of the Compendium is to provide sustainable transportation practitioners, and others in related fields, with an up-to-date listing of research and findings about the key attitudes, perceptions and misperceptions of Canadians towards targeted sustainable transportation actions. It does not include individual program results.


Sustainable transportation researchers, project coordinators and others will be able to use this information when developing new sustainable transportation programs or services, when augmenting or refining existing programs or services, and when developing reports or other information documents. 

The Compendium is organized by behaviour area (e.g. cycling, walking and telework are three of the areas covered). Each behaviour area is further divided into specific behaviours or actions. For each action, or group of actions, the Compendium includes:

  • A prioritized listing of key motivators and barriers by target audience
  • Variations within the research that relate to a variety of factors (regional, socioeconomic, urban/rural, gender differences, etc.)
  • A listing of related research studies, with a summary for each that includes the key findings, geographic coverage, sample size and sampling methodology

The Compendium is meant to be a "living" document, with additional details added to it periodically, as new information becomes available. If users are aware of and would like to share additional research, please contact ecoMobility at ecomobility-ecomobilite@tc.gc.ca. Please reference this document in your email.

Topics: Sustainable transportation
Location: Canada
Resource Type: consumer research
Publisher: Transport Canada
Date Last Updated: 2019-04-24 02:07:02

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